5.24 Importing a range of devices

You can import a range of devices by specifying the format of the serial numbers you want to import; for example, you may have taken receipt of a box of devices with sequential serial numbers.

Note: By default, you can import a maximum of 10,000 devices at one time. To change this limit, in the Operation Settings workflow, on the Import & Export tab, set the Import Devices Sequential Range Limit option to the number of devices you want to be able to import at one time.

Alternatively, you can import a manifest file; see section 5.25, Importing devices from a manifest file.

To import a range of devices:

  1. Select the Devices category.

  2. Click Import.

    The Import Devices screen appears.

  3. Complete the following fields:

    • Serial Number Prefix – provide the prefix for the serial number.

    • Start Serial Number – provide the first serial number to be imported. This is the numeric (either decimal or hexadecimal) part of the serial number that changes for each device.

    • End Serial Number – provide the last serial number to be imported.

    • Serial Number Suffix – provide the suffix for the serial number.

    • Number Base – select whether the serial numbers are in decimal or hexadecimal format.

    • Device Type – select the type of device from the drop-down list.

    • Chip Type – optionally, provide the chip type for the device; for example, IDEMIA ID-One PIV v81.

    • Location ID – select the initial location for the devices from the drop-down list.

      See section 9, Working with locations.

    • Stock Code – select the stock code for the devices.

      See section 8.2, Editing inventory lists for details of setting up the list of stock codes.

    • Import Label – type a label to be associated with the imported devices. You can use this in the Available Device Stock search criteria to find these devices; see section 5.26, Viewing imported devices.

  4. Click Save.

5.24.1 Example serial number import

If you provide the following:

MyID imports the following range of serial numbers:





